Balance Transfer Request Header Image

Balance Transfer Request

Transfer higher rate balances to one low-rate credit card and save!

YES! I would like to take advantage of the WestEdge Visa Credit Card low balance transfer rate. 

  • No Balance Transfer Fee
  • Low Fixed Rate - Classic 12.5% / Platinum 9.5% APR

(360) 734-5790

How many creditors are we paying off?*
How many balance transfers?
Please transfer the following non-WestEdge account balance(s) to my WestEdge VISA Credit Card account:

Pay Off Creditor #1

Balance transfer amount
Who are we paying off? (Card issuer, lender, etc.)
Payment Address*

Pay Off Creditor #2

Balance transfer amount
Who are we paying off? (Card issuer, lender, etc.)
Payment Address*

Pay Off Creditor #3

Balance transfer amount
Who are we paying off? (Card issuer, lender, etc.)
Payment Address*

Pay Off Creditor #4

Balance transfer amount
Who are we paying off? (Card issuer, lender, etc.)
Payment Address*
Use your mouse or finger to draw your signature above

All spaces must be completed before your balance transfer can be processed. A balance transfer is considered a cash advance, and is subject to finance charges from the date the check is issued by WestEdge. This transaction will be processed pending your available credit limit within 3 business days of the date we receive it. To obtain your available credit limit information please call WestEdge. This transfer may not be made to pay off any WestEdge account balance.